Why Are Anime So Addictive

I was wondering about this for a while and thought about writing about this one! What makes anime so addictive?! Why people love to watch season’s upon seasons of anime and never get bored with it?

Is it the waifus? Is it the animation? The plots? To be honest its a little bit of everything…

So lets dive deeper into this topic and see why is anime so addictive to watch and what makes it so special.


Do you remember yourself as a kid with tons of imagination? A time where you could just sit in one place and imagine giant robots, ghosts or anything in general?

This is what we all as kids had a lot of! Imagination was part of growing up, it is what made us creative. Pretend playing with our friends made us and our lives more interesting.

Now if you’re thinking what all this has to do with anime? Then let us see it the bigger picture. Most of us got hooked on anime when we were little children or at least were in our teen (still having tons of imagination.)

Anime just helped direct some of that imagination by showing us what could become of something. Like huge Gundams fighting it out or Doraemon coming up with new gadget every now and then.

Anime simply helped us imagine more.

One of the reasons that it was anime is also because it is easier to make an anime about massive robots fighting than to actually create a live action series of the same, which would require a lot more budget and may not be as cool as an anime in the end.

Unlimited possibilities

Coming from the same point as above, We can make a wide variety of anime because of budget and the method.

Its easier to draw or animate than to create a live action movie.

This unlimited possibilities is what helps the creators to come up with impossible ideas and still make wonderful shows with it.

Lets just see some of the examples. Imagine of the below anime as a live action series.

We can a a huge list of anime that would be very hard to produce if they weren’t for a platform called “anime”.

Anime just gives a huge freedom for the creators to do what they want how they want.

No matter how hard it actually is to create an anime, you can still get an amazing series in the end when you compare it to a real movie or a series which won’t be as practical or might not have that kind of quality.


One of the reason we have so many amazing anime is because it’s a lot easier to produce anime compared to actual films or series as discussed above and the same goes for production.

Being easier to produce as an equal side effect on the volume of work creators can produce.

When creators are working on multiple stories at the same time, it’s a lot easier to do it in the form of an anime compared to real movies.

Being able to make more anime directly gives us, the audience more options to watch more anime. Thus giving us a chance to see more wonderful anime and get more addicted to it.


One of the best things I like about anime is that it has some of the best characters that I’ve ever seen in my life.

Weather we are talking about someone like Naruto or Light Yagami. Anime has created some of the most memorable characters the world can remember.

It’s not just how the characters act, Its also about how cool they look.

As you’d see in the pictures below.

Jojo’s bizzare adventures

Knights of Sidonia (Tsumugi)

Animation/ Drawing style

As you’d see anime has a distinct drawing style that is mostly comparable with other animes on one way or other.

This is something that might not be the same with let’s say cartoons, which have a wide variety art styles and don’t look anything like each other.

Some of the things that make anime look distinctly different to anything else is the characters eyes

Almost all the anime have follow that same kind of format which is having big eyes.

Here’s the reason why I really love the idea of big eyes is because you can feel the character expressions properly. Weather they are funny or sad, Having big eyes makes them really expressive.


Anime has a ton of different animation styles, but overall they still look so similar.

We see some of the best animation styles in anime. For example you can make some of the most simplest looking things really dramatic and cool just with its animation.

Or talk about some of the fight scenes, It just doesn’t get any better than that when it comes to anime.

I’ll some of the examples below, for you to have a look…

So in the end, anime is so addictive not because of just one parameter. We have so many things that make us want to watch anime.

So Many Options

There are just so many good anime series out there that we can get something for everyone.

No matter what your age might be or the kind of genre you might like you’d be able to find something that you like.

Maybe you like paranormal anime then you have anime like Corpse party or Ajin or simply a very different anime like Mushishi.

Now if you do watch these three anime you’d see that even though their genre is paranormal they have a very different feel from one another. This is one of the reasons that makes anime so amazing, You’d find something different all the time.

In the end there are way too many options with a wide variety of genres and sub genres.

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